10#include <Nameplate.idl>
11#include <NumericSensor.idl>
12#include <StateSensor.idl>
14#include <ResidualCurrentStateSensor.idl>
Common base interface for any kind of electrical device that is used in the PDU model,...
MetaData getMetaData()
Retrieve the inlet metadata.
int setSettings(in Settings settings)
Change the inlet settings.
boolean isEnabled()
Test whether PDU operation is enabled for this inlet.
Sensors getSensors()
Get the inlet sensors.
vector< Pole > getPoles()
Get the list of inlet poles.
Settings getSettings()
Retrieve the inlet settings.
vector< MeteredLinePair > getLinePairs()
Get the list of inlet line pairs.
void setEnabled(in boolean enabled)
Enable/disable PDU operation for this inlet.
Residual current state sensor interface.
A sensor with numeric readings.
Sensor with discrete readings.
Event: Inlet has been enabled or disabled.
boolean enabled
New enable state.
sensors::NumericSensor voltage
RMS voltage sensor (may be a VoltageMonitoringSensor)
sensors::NumericSensor activeEnergy
Active energy sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor residualCurrent
Residual current sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor unbalancedLineLineCurrent
Line-Line current unbalance sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor unbalancedVoltage
Voltage unbalance sensor.
sensors::StateSensor powerQuality
Power quality sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor currentThd
Current total harmonic distortion sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor unbalancedLineLineVoltage
Line-Line voltage unbalance sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor residualDCCurrent
DC Residual current sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor crestFactor
Crest factor sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor displacementPowerFactor
Displacement power factor sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor peakCurrent
Peak current sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor lineFrequency
Line AC frequency sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor reactivePower
Reactive power sensor.
ResidualCurrentStateSensor residualCurrentStatus
Residual current monitor state sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor current
RMS current sensor.
sensors::StateSensor surgeProtectorStatus
Surge protector status sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor powerFactor
Power factor sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor unbalancedCurrent
Current unbalance sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor apparentEnergy
Apparent energy sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor residualACCurrent
AC Residual current sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor apparentPower
Apparent power sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor phaseAngle
Phase angle sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor activePower
Active power sensor.
sensors::NumericSensor voltageThd
Voltage total harmonic distortion sensor.
Event: Inlet settings have been changed.
Settings newSettings
Settings after change.
Settings oldSettings
Settings before change.
string name
User-defined name.
Component nameplate information.