Legrand / Raritan / Server Technology Xerus™ PDU JSON-RPC API
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pdumodel::TransferSwitch::Settings Struct Reference

Transfer switch settings. More...

Public Attributes

string name
 User-defined name.
int preferredSource
 Preferred inlet.
boolean autoRetransfer
 Enable automatic retransfer if power on active inlet is restored.
boolean noAutoRetransferIfPhaseFault
 Don't automatically retransfer if inlet phases are out of sync.
int autoRetransferWaitTime
 Time (in s) to delay retransfer after power restoration.
boolean manualTransferEnabled
 Enable state of 'manual transfer' front panel button.
boolean phaseSyncSensorEnabled
 False to force the 'phaseSyncAlarm' sensor to unavailable.

Detailed Description

Transfer switch settings.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: