Legrand / Raritan / Server Technology Xerus™ JSON-RPC API
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luaservice::Manager Interface Reference

There is a single manager instance. More...

Public Member Functions

int setScript (in string name, in string script, in ScriptOptions options)
 Upload a script to instance. More...
int getScript (in string name, out string script)
 To download a script file to user. More...
vector< string > getScriptNames ()
 Returns all script names in a string vector. More...
int deleteScript (in string name)
 Deletes a script. More...
int setScriptOptions (in string name, in ScriptOptions options)
 Sets new options for a script. More...
int getScriptOptions (in string name, out ScriptOptions options)
 Returns the options for a script. More...
Environment getEnvironment ()
 To query the environment information. More...
int getScriptOutput (in string name, in long iAddr, out long oAddr, out long nAddr, out string oString, out boolean more)
 To get output from a script as a string. More...
int clearScriptOutput (in string name)
 Clear the output buffer of a script. More...
int startScript (in string name)
 To start a script. More...
int startScriptWithArgs (in string name, in map< string, string > arguments)
 To start a script with arguments. More...
int terminateScript (in string name)
 To stop a script. More...
int getScriptState (in string name, out ScriptState state)
 Returns the state for a single script. More...
map< string, ScriptStategetScriptStates ()
 Returns the state for all scripts. More...

Public Attributes

constant int NO_ERROR = 0
 Error codes. More...
constant int ERR_INVALID_NAME = 1
 script name is invalid More...
constant int ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT = 2
 script name not found More...
 maximum amount of stored script files is reached More...
 maximum size of a script file is reached More...
 maximum size of all script files is reached More...
constant int ERR_NOT_TERMINATED = 6
 script is not terminated More...
constant int ERR_NOT_RUNNING = 7
 script is not running More...
constant int ERR_INVALID_ADDR = 8
 address parameter is wrong More...
constant int ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS = 10
 too many arguments More...
constant int ERR_ARGUMENT_NOT_VALID = 11
 the argument has one or more invalid characters More...

Detailed Description

There is a single manager instance.

Definition at line 96 of file LuaService.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clearScriptOutput()

int luaservice::Manager::clearScriptOutput ( in string  name)

Clear the output buffer of a script.

nameThe name of the script
ERR_INVALID_NAME if file name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name

◆ deleteScript()

int luaservice::Manager::deleteScript ( in string  name)

Deletes a script.

nameThe name of the script
ERR_INVALID_NAME if script name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name
ERR_NOT_TERMINATED if try to delete a running script

◆ getEnvironment()

Environment luaservice::Manager::getEnvironment ( )

To query the environment information.

a struct with the environment information

◆ getScript()

int luaservice::Manager::getScript ( in string  name,
out string  script 

To download a script file to user.

nameThe name of an existing script
ERR_INVALID_NAME if script name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name

◆ getScriptNames()

vector< string > luaservice::Manager::getScriptNames ( )

Returns all script names in a string vector.

If there are no scripts the vector is empty.

A vector with all script names.

◆ getScriptOptions()

int luaservice::Manager::getScriptOptions ( in string  name,
out ScriptOptions  options 

Returns the options for a script.

nameThe name of the script
optionsThe return value
ERR_INVALID_NAME if script name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name

◆ getScriptOutput()

int luaservice::Manager::getScriptOutput ( in string  name,
in long  iAddr,
out long  oAddr,
out long  nAddr,
out string  oString,
out boolean  more 

To get output from a script as a string.

The output is stored in a string buffer with a defined size. The buffer is addressable with an (virtual) address. The address will be increased ervery time when the buffer will be filled.

To get the output for the first time just call with address zero and then use the returned nAddr argument.

If iAddr is negative then the last n bytes will be returned, e.g. -9 returns the last 9 characters. If iAddr is zero then the whole available buffer will be returned. If iAddr is positive then the returned buffer starts at this address. If iAddr is equal to nAddr then there is no data available If iAddr and oAddr is not equal then there were data lost (execption: first call with zero).

nameThe name of the script
iAddrThe virtual start address where the returned output should begin.
oAddrThe virtual address from where the string starts.
nAddrThe virtual address for the next query.
moreA boolean whitch indicates if there is more data available.
ERR_INVALID_NAME if file name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name
ERR_INVALID_ADDR if iAddr is negative and the absolute value of parameter iAddr is greater as the limit

◆ getScriptState()

int luaservice::Manager::getScriptState ( in string  name,
out ScriptState  state 

Returns the state for a single script.

nameThe script name
stateThe state of the script
ERR_INVALID_NAME if file name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name

◆ getScriptStates()

map< string, ScriptState > luaservice::Manager::getScriptStates ( )

Returns the state for all scripts.

If the map is empty then there are no scripts on the machine.

A map<string name, ScriptState state> with name and state for all available scripts.

◆ setScript()

int luaservice::Manager::setScript ( in string  name,
in string  script,
in ScriptOptions  options 

Upload a script to instance.

If there is a script with the same name the new script will replace the existing script (script must be in STAT_NEW or STAT_TERMINATED).

nameThe name of the script file
scriptThe script file packed in a string
optionsOptions that can be set or not
ERR_INVALID_NAME if script name is invalid
ERR_MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE_EXCEEDED if the size of the new script is greater then the maximum file size
ERR_MAX_ALL_SCRIPT_SIZE_EXCEEDED if maximum size of all script files is reached
ERR_MAX_SCRIPT_NUMBERS_EXCEEDED if maximum amount of script files is reached
ERR_NOT_TERMINATED if try to replace a running script

◆ setScriptOptions()

int luaservice::Manager::setScriptOptions ( in string  name,
in ScriptOptions  options 

Sets new options for a script.

nameThe name of the script
optionsThe new options
ERR_INVALID_NAME if script name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name
ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS if the size of the map is to big
ERR_ARGUMENT_NOT_VALID if a string in the arguments is not

◆ startScript()

int luaservice::Manager::startScript ( in string  name)

To start a script.

The function starts a lua script.

ERR_INVALID_NAME if file name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name
ERR_NOT_TERMINATED if the script is running or restarting

◆ startScriptWithArgs()

int luaservice::Manager::startScriptWithArgs ( in string  name,
in map< string, string >  arguments 

To start a script with arguments.

The function starts a lua script. Additionally you can add arguments which are available from the lua script. This args will override the default arguments. All args are stored in a global table called ARGS in lua.

ERR_INVALID_NAME if file name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name
ERR_NOT_TERMINATED if the script is running or restarting
ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS if the size of the map is to big
ERR_ARGUMENT_NOT_VALID if a string in the arguments is not valid

◆ terminateScript()

int luaservice::Manager::terminateScript ( in string  name)

To stop a script.

This command stops a running or restarting script. After terminating the option autorestart will not be evaluated.

ERR_INVALID_NAME if file name is invalid
ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT if there is no script with the name
ERR_NOT_RUNNING if the script is not running or restarting

Member Data Documentation


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_ARGUMENT_NOT_VALID = 11

the argument has one or more invalid characters

Definition at line 109 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_INVALID_ADDR = 8

address parameter is wrong

Definition at line 107 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_INVALID_NAME = 1

script name is invalid

Definition at line 100 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_MAX_ALL_SCRIPT_SIZE_EXCEEDED = 5

maximum size of all script files is reached

Definition at line 104 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_MAX_SCRIPT_NUMBERS_EXCEEDED = 3

maximum amount of stored script files is reached

Definition at line 102 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE_EXCEEDED = 4

maximum size of a script file is reached

Definition at line 103 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_NO_SUCH_SCRIPT = 2

script name not found

Definition at line 101 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_NOT_RUNNING = 7

script is not running

Definition at line 106 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_NOT_TERMINATED = 6

script is not terminated

Definition at line 105 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS = 10

too many arguments

Definition at line 108 of file LuaService.idl.


constant int luaservice::Manager::NO_ERROR = 0

Error codes.

no Error

Definition at line 99 of file LuaService.idl.

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