10#include <PowerMeter.idl>
int createCircuit(out Circuit circuit, in Circuit::Config config, in Circuit.Settings settings)
Create a new circuit.
int setPanelSettings(in PanelSettings settings)
Change the panel settings.
int deleteCircuit(in int position)
Delete a circuit.
Mapping of physical circuit positions (0-based) to logical labels.
Circuit positions 0..2 are labeled 1, 2 and 3.
map< int, Circuit > getCircuits()
Retrieve the list of circuits.
PanelSettings getPanelSettings()
Retrieve the panel settings.
A three-phase power meter (PMC).
Event: A new circuit was added.
Circuit::Config config
New circuit config.
Circuit circuit
New circuit.
Circuit::Settings settings
New circuit settings.
Event: A circuit was deleted.
Circuit::Config config
Old circuit config.
Circuit::Settings settings
Old circuit settings.
Event: Panel settings have changed.
PanelSettings newSettings
Panel settings after change.
PanelSettings oldSettings
Panel settings before change.
LabelingScheme labelingScheme
Mapping of physical circuit positions to logical labels.
int columns
Display circuit positions in two columns.
int panelSize
Panel size (number of circuit positions)
int meterCount
Number of branch meter channels.