14 constant
39 enumeration
Parity { NONE, EVEN, ODD };
Modbus service settings interface
Serial line parity.
Capabilities getCapabilities()
Retrieve the device Modbus capabilities.
int setSettings(in Settings settings)
Set the Modbus service settings.
Settings getSettings()
Retrieve the Modbus service settings.
Device modbus capabilities.
boolean hasModbusSerial
Device has a serial Modbus port.
int stopbits
Number of stop bits (1 or 2)
boolean readonly
Disallow write requests.
boolean enabled
Enable the Modbus/RTU service.
SerialSettings serial
Modbus/serial settings
TcpSettings tcp
Modbus/TCP settings
int primaryUnitId
Main unit ID, 0 to disable.
boolean readonly
Disallow write requests.