11#include <UserEvent.idl>
Keypad Manager Interface.
int setKeypadSettings(in string position, in KeypadSettings setting)
Set settings for a keypad.
vector< Keypad > getKeypads()
Retrieve the list of connected keypads.
Keypad getKeypadById(in string keypadId)
Get keypad for a specific id.
map< string, KeypadSettings > getAllKeypadSettings()
Get settings for all keypads.
Common base for all events.
Keypad::MetaData metaData
MetaData of affected keypad.
Keypad keypad
Affected keypad.
KeypadSettings oldSettings
Settings before change.
KeypadSettings newSettings
Settings after change.
Keypad keypad
affected keypad
string position
Position of the keypad (see Keypad::MetaData)
string name
User-defined name.
string description
User-defined description.