Legrand / Raritan / Server Technology Xerus™ JSON-RPC API
No Matches
1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
3 * Copyright 2018 Raritan Inc. All rights reserved.
4 */
6#include <UserEvent.idl>
8/** Raritan JSON-RPC */
9module cascading {
11 /** JSON-RPC Cascade Manager */
12 interface CascadeManager {
14 constant int NO_ERROR = 0; ///< Operation successful, no error
15 constant int ERR_INVALID_PARAM = 1; ///< A parameter was invalid
16 constant int ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ON_PRIMARY_UNIT = 2; ///< Operation not allowed for a primary unit
17 constant int ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ON_LINK_UNIT = 3; ///< Operation not allowed for a link unit
18 constant int ERR_LINK_ID_IN_USE = 4; ///< The specified link ID is already used
19 constant int ERR_HOST_IN_USE = 5; ///< The specified host is already in use
20 constant int ERR_LINK_UNIT_UNREACHABLE = 6; ///< Could not connect to the link device
21 constant int ERR_LINK_UNIT_ACCESS_DENIED = 7; ///< Login to link device failed
22 constant int ERR_LINK_UNIT_REFUSED = 8; ///< Remote device refused to become a link unit
23 constant int ERR_UNIT_BUSY = 9; ///< The unit could not respond because it was busy
24 constant int ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 10; ///< Operation not supported on this device
25 constant int ERR_PASSWORD_CHANGE_REQUIRED = 11; ///< The unit requires a password change
26 constant int ERR_PASSWORD_POLICY = 12; ///< The given password did not meet the requirements
27 constant int ERR_LINK_UNIT_COMM_FAILED = 13; ///< Communication with the link unit failed
28 constant int ERR_LINK_UNIT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 14; ///< Link unit does not support cascading
29 constant int ERR_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MISMATCH = 15; ///< The firmware versions between primary and link unit do not match
31 /** Settings for primary unit */
33 string caCertChain; ///< CA certificate chain that signs the link unit TLS certs
34 boolean allowOffTimeRangeCerts; ///< allow expired and not yet valid TLS certs
35 };
37 /** JSON-RPC Cascade Role */
38 enumeration Role {
39 STANDALONE, ///< Standalone unit, not in cascade
40 PRIMARY_UNIT, ///< Primary unit controlling other devices
41 LINK_UNIT ///< Link unit under primary unit control
42 };
44 enumeration LinkUnitType {
45 NETWORK, ///< High-level linking via JSON-RPC API
46 SECURE_SERIAL ///< Linking via encrypted serial bus (ScalePoint)
47 };
49 /** Link Unit Communication Status */
50 [unknown_fallback("UNKNOWN")]
51 enumeration LinkUnitStatus {
52 UNKNOWN, ///< The status of the link unit is unknown
53 OK, ///< The link unit operates normally
54 UNREACHABLE, ///< The link unit is unreachable
55 ACCESS_DENIED, ///< The link unit denies access
56 FIRMWARE_UPDATE, ///< This link unit is performing a firmware update
57 FIRMWARE_MISMATCH, ///< This link unit's firmware version does not match that of the primary unit
58 PENDING ///< The link unit becomes active after the next reboot
59 };
61 /** Link Unit Status */
62 structure LinkUnit {
63 LinkUnitType type; ///< Link unit type
64 string host; ///< Link unit host name, IP address or bus address
65 LinkUnitStatus status; ///< Communication status
66 string fwVersion; ///< Firmware version of the link unit
67 };
69 /** Full Cascading Status */
70 structure Status {
71 Role role; ///< This unit's role in the JSON-RPC cascade
72 string primaryUnit; ///< The primary unit IP address (if role is link unit)
73 map<int, LinkUnit> linkUnits; ///< The list of link units (if role is primary unit)
74 };
76 /** Status of the Link Port */
77 structure LinkPortStatus {
78 boolean isSupported; ///< true, if Link Port is supported on this device
79 boolean isLinkDetected; ///< true, if a link on the Link Port was detected
80 boolean isLinkingConfirmationNeeded; ///< true, if confirmation for linking via Link Port is needed
81 string connectedNeighborAddr; ///< link-local IPv6 address of the currently connected neighbor, or empty
82 };
84 /** Event: This unit's role in the cascade has changed */
85 valueobject RoleChangedEvent extends idl.Event {
86 Role oldRole; ///< Previous role before the change
87 Role newRole; ///< New role after the change
88 string primaryUnit; ///< Primary unit IP address (if new role is link unit)
89 };
91 /** Event: A new link unit has been added */
92 valueobject LinkUnitAddedEvent extends event.UserEvent {
93 int linkId; ///< Link ID
94 LinkUnitType type; ///< Link unit type
95 string host; ///< Host name, IP address or bus address
96 };
98 /** Event: A link unit has been released */
99 valueobject LinkUnitReleasedEvent extends event.UserEvent {
100 int linkId; ///< Link ID
101 LinkUnitType type; ///< Link unit type
102 string host; ///< Host name, IP address or bus address
103 };
105 /** Event: A link unit's communication status has changed */
107 int linkId; ///< Link ID
108 LinkUnitType type; ///< Link unit type
109 string host; ///< Host name, IP address or bus address
110 LinkUnitStatus oldStatus; ///< Previous communication status
111 LinkUnitStatus newStatus; ///< New communication status
112 };
114 /** Link Port Status changed */
116 LinkPortStatus oldStatus; ///< Old Link Port status
117 LinkPortStatus newStatus; ///< New Link Port status
118 };
120 /**
121 * Retrieve settings for the primary unit.
122 *
123 * @return Primary unit settings
124 */
127 /**
128 * Set settings for the primary unit.
129 *
130 * @param primaryUnitSettings Primary unit settings
131 *
132 * @return NO_ERROR The operation was successful
133 * @return ERR_INVALID_PARAM At least one of the parameters had an invalid value
134 */
135 int setPrimaryUnitSettings(in PrimaryUnitSettings primaryUnitSettings);
137 /**
138 * Retrieve the full cascading status for this unit.
139 *
140 * @return Full cascading status
141 */
144 /**
145 * Retrieve the current Link Port status
146 *
147 * @return Current Link Port status
148 */
151 /**
152 * Put a new link unit under this primary unit's control.
153 *
154 * The login credentials must have administrator privileges on the link
155 * unit. They are only used to establish a trust relationship between
156 * primary and link unit and not stored.
157 *
158 * This method can also be used to re-authenticate a link unit that
159 * denies access. In that case the linkId and host parameter must
160 * exactly match the existing values.
161 *
162 * @param linkId The ID for the new link unit
163 * @param host The link unit's host name or IP address
164 * @param login The administrator login for the link unit
165 * @param password The administrator password for the link unit
166 * @param newPassword The new default administrator password for the unit.
167 * This is needed for adding a link unit that still has default
168 * settings and requires a password change. Otherwise it can be
169 * left empty. \c login must be the default admin.
170 *
171 * @return NO_ERROR The operation was successful
172 * @return ERR_INVALID_PARAM One of the parameters had an invalid value
173 * @return ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ON_LINK_UNIT This unit is currently a link unit and can't have link units of its own
174 * @return ERR_LINK_ID_IN_USE The specified link ID is already in use
175 * @return ERR_HOST_IN_USE The specified host is already in use
176 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_UNREACHABLE Connection to the link unit failed
177 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_ACCESS_DENIED The credentials for the link unit were invalid
178 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_REFUSED The remote unit refused to become our link unit because it's a primary unit itself
179 * @return ERR_UNIT_BUSY This unit is currently busy with handling another request
180 * @return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED This device does not support PDU linking
181 * @return ERR_PASSWORD_CHANGE_REQUIRED The specified link unit requires a password change
182 * @return ERR_PASSWORD_POLICY The new password did not meet the requirements
183 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_COMM_FAILED Communication with the link unit failed
184 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_NOT_SUPPORTED Link unit does not support cascading
185 * @return ERR_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MISMATCH The firmware version of the link unit does not match that of the primary unit
186 */
187 int addLinkUnit(in int linkId, in string host, in string login, in string password, in string newPassword);
189 /**
190 * Put a new link unit under this primary unit's control.
191 *
192 * The login credentials must have administrator privileges on the link
193 * unit. They are only used to establish a trust relationship between
194 * primary and link unit and not stored.
195 *
196 * This method can also be used to re-authenticate a link unit that
197 * denies access. In that case the linkId and host parameter must
198 * exactly match the existing values.
199 *
200 * @param linkId The ID for the new link unit
201 * @param host The link unit's host name or IP address
202 * @param login The administrator login for the link unit
203 * @param password The administrator password for the link unit
204 * @param newPassword The new default administrator password for the unit.
205 * This is needed for adding a link unit that still has default
206 * settings and requires a password change. Otherwise it can be
207 * left empty. \c login must be the default admin.
208 * @param disableStrongPasswordReq if \c true, this disables the strong password
209 * requirements on the link unit if \c newPassword is set
210 *
211 * @return see \ref addLinkUnit
212 */
213 int addLinkUnit2(in int linkId, in string host, in string login, in string password, in string newPassword, in boolean disableStrongPasswordReq);
215 /**
216 * Release a link unit from this primary unit's control.
217 *
218 * @param linkId The ID of the link unit
219 *
220 * @return NO_ERROR The operation was successful
221 * @return ERR_INVALID_PARAM The specified link ID is invalid
222 */
223 int releaseLinkUnit(in int linkId);
225 /**
226 * Request to make this unit a link unit and put it under the remote
227 * primary unit's control.
228 *
229 * This method is usually called by the primary unit when adding a new
230 * link unit. The link will only be established once finalizeLink() is
231 * successfully called.
232 *
233 * @param token Authorization token for future requests
234 *
235 * @return NO_ERROR The operation was successful
236 * @return ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ON_PRIMARY_UNIT This unit is a primary unit and can't become a link unit
237 * @return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED This device does not support PDU linking
238 */
239 int requestLink(in string token);
241 /**
242 * Finalize the link with this link unit.
243 *
244 * @param token same authorization token as used for requestLink()
245 *
246 * This method should only be called by the primary unit in order to
247 * acknowledge the establishment of the link to the link unit and
248 * finalize the link build-up. The linking will only take effect once
249 * the link unit received this acknowledgement.
250 *
251 * If this method fails, you will get the ACCESS_DENIED status for this
252 * link unit and you will have to re-authenticate it.
253 */
254 void finalizeLink(in string token);
256 /**
257 * Release this link unit from the remote primary unit's control.
258 *
259 * This method is usually called by the primary unit when releasing a
260 * link unit. This unit will become a standalone unit.
261 */
262 void unlink();
264 /**
265 * Check which cascading roles this unit supports.
266 *
267 * @return vector with Roles that are supported by this unit
268 */
269 vector<Role> getSupportedRoles();
271 /**
272 * Check which type of link units this unit supports.
273 *
274 * @return vector with supported link unit types
275 */
276 vector<LinkUnitType> getSupportedLinkUnitTypes();
278 /**
279 * Can be called on a network cascade primary unit to add expansion
280 * units of the network cascade as link units.
281 *
282 * @param linkId The ID for the new link unit
283 * @param nodeIndex The expansion unit's index in the network cascade (1 - 15)
284 * @param login The administrator login for the link unit
285 * @param password The administrator password for the link unit
286 * @param positionDependent If true, host names that depend on the nodex index will be used.
287 * If false, unique link-local IPv6 addresses will be used for linking.
288 *
289 * @return see \ref addLinkUnit
290 *
291 */
292 int addCascadeLinkUnit(in int linkId, in int nodeIndex, in string login, in string password, in boolean positionDependent);
294 /**
295 * Add a neighbor that was discovered on the link port as link unit. If
296 * a new password needs to be set, it will be generated.
297 *
298 * @return NO_ERROR The operation was successful
299 * @return ERR_INVALID_PARAM No neighbor currently discovered or no link id left
300 * @return ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ON_LINK_UNIT This unit is currently a link unit and can't have link units of its own
301 * @return ERR_HOST_IN_USE The link port neighbor was already added
302 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_UNREACHABLE Connection to the link unit failed
303 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_ACCESS_DENIED The credentials for the link unit were invalid
304 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_REFUSED The remote unit refused to become our link unit because it's a primary unit itself
305 * @return ERR_UNIT_BUSY This unit is currently busy with handling another request
306 * @return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED This device does not support PDU linking via link port
307 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_COMM_FAILED Communication with the link unit failed
308 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_NOT_SUPPORTED Link unit does not support cascading
309 * @return ERR_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MISMATCH The firmware version of the link unit does not match that of the primary unit
310 */
313 /**
314 * Add a serial link unit (ScalePoint Base).
315 *
316 * As a special case, link ID 1 is used to pair the primary unit on the
317 * "internal" RS485 bus. It will not be added to the list of link units.
318 *
319 * @param linkId The ID for the new link unit
320 * @param installKey The install key from the Base unit's label
321 *
322 * @return NO_ERROR The operation was successful
323 * @return ERR_INVALID_PARAM One of the parameters had an invalid value
324 * @return ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ON_LINK_UNIT This unit is currently a link unit and can't have link units of its own
325 * @return ERR_LINK_ID_IN_USE The specified link ID is already in use
326 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_UNREACHABLE Connection to the link unit failed
327 * @return ERR_UNIT_BUSY This unit is currently busy with handling another request
328 * @return ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED This device does not support PDU linking
329 * @return ERR_LINK_UNIT_COMM_FAILED Communication with the link unit failed
330 */
331 int addSecureSerialLinkUnit(in int linkId, in string installKey);
333 };
JSON-RPC Cascade Manager.
vector< Role > getSupportedRoles()
Check which cascading roles this unit supports.
int setPrimaryUnitSettings(in PrimaryUnitSettings primaryUnitSettings)
Set settings for the primary unit.
Status getStatus()
Retrieve the full cascading status for this unit.
int addLinkUnit2(in int linkId, in string host, in string login, in string password, in string newPassword, in boolean disableStrongPasswordReq)
Put a new link unit under this primary unit's control.
int addLinkUnit(in int linkId, in string host, in string login, in string password, in string newPassword)
Put a new link unit under this primary unit's control.
PrimaryUnitSettings getPrimaryUnitSettings()
Retrieve settings for the primary unit.
int addLinkPortLinkUnit()
Add a neighbor that was discovered on the link port as link unit.
int requestLink(in string token)
Request to make this unit a link unit and put it under the remote primary unit's control.
LinkPortStatus getLinkPortStatus()
Retrieve the current Link Port status.
vector< LinkUnitType > getSupportedLinkUnitTypes()
Check which type of link units this unit supports.
JSON-RPC Cascade Role.
Standalone unit, not in cascade.
Primary unit controlling other devices.
void finalizeLink(in string token)
Finalize the link with this link unit.
void unlink()
Release this link unit from the remote primary unit's control.
Link Unit Communication Status.
This link unit is performing a firmware update.
This link unit's firmware version does not match that of the primary unit.
The link unit denies access.
@ OK
The link unit operates normally.
The status of the link unit is unknown.
The link unit is unreachable.
int addCascadeLinkUnit(in int linkId, in int nodeIndex, in string login, in string password, in boolean positionDependent)
Can be called on a network cascade primary unit to add expansion units of the network cascade as link...
High-level linking via JSON-RPC API.
int releaseLinkUnit(in int linkId)
Release a link unit from this primary unit's control.
int addSecureSerialLinkUnit(in int linkId, in string installKey)
Add a serial link unit (ScalePoint Base).
Raritan JSON-RPC.
Basic IDL definitions.
Definition: Event.idl:10
boolean isLinkingConfirmationNeeded
true, if confirmation for linking via Link Port is needed
boolean isSupported
true, if Link Port is supported on this device
string connectedNeighborAddr
link-local IPv6 address of the currently connected neighbor, or empty
boolean isLinkDetected
true, if a link on the Link Port was detected
Event: A new link unit has been added.
string host
Host name, IP address or bus address.
Event: A link unit has been released.
string host
Host name, IP address or bus address.
Event: A link unit's communication status has changed.
LinkUnitStatus oldStatus
Previous communication status.
string host
Host name, IP address or bus address.
LinkUnitStatus newStatus
New communication status.
LinkUnitType type
Link unit type.
LinkUnitStatus status
Communication status.
string fwVersion
Firmware version of the link unit.
string host
Link unit host name, IP address or bus address.
string caCertChain
CA certificate chain that signs the link unit TLS certs.
boolean allowOffTimeRangeCerts
allow expired and not yet valid TLS certs
Event: This unit's role in the cascade has changed.
string primaryUnit
Primary unit IP address (if new role is link unit)
Role oldRole
Previous role before the change.
Role newRole
New role after the change.
string primaryUnit
The primary unit IP address (if role is link unit)
map< int, LinkUnit > linkUnits
The list of link units (if role is primary unit)
Role role
This unit's role in the JSON-RPC cascade.
Common base for all events.
Definition: Event.idl:13