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usermgmt::SnmpV3Settings Struct Reference

SNMPv3 settings. More...

Public Attributes

boolean enabled
 SNMPv3 enabled.
SnmpV3SecLevel secLevel
 Security level.
SnmpV3AuthProto authProtocol
 Authentication protocol.
boolean usePasswordAsAuthPassphrase
 Use account password for SNMPv3 authentication.
boolean haveAuthPassphrase
 Authentication passphrase present.
string authPassphrase
 Authentication passphrase; cannot be read back.
SnmpV3PrivProto privProtocol
 Privacy protocol.
boolean useAuthPassphraseAsPrivPassphrase
 Use authentication passphrase as privacy passphrase.
boolean havePrivPassphrase
 Privacy passphrase present.
string privPassphrase
 Privacy passphrase; cannot be read back.

Detailed Description

SNMPv3 settings.

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