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net::Diagnostics Interface Reference

Diagnostics interface. More...

Public Member Functions

int ping (in string hostName, in int count, out vector< string > results)
 Ping a network host (send out ICMP echo requests) More...
int traceRoute (in string hostName, in int timeout, in boolean useIcmp, out vector< string > results)
 Get the route packet trace to a network host. More...
int listTcpConnections (out vector< string > results)
 List the currently active TCP connections. More...
int listTcpUdpListenSockets (out vector< string > results)
 List TCP/UDP listen (server) sockets. More...
void resolveHostName (in string hostName, out vector< string > results)
 Test whether resolving a host name works and provide diagnostic information. More...

Public Attributes

constant int NO_ERROR = 0
 No error.
constant int ERR_INVALID_PARAM = 1
 Invalid parameters.
constant int ERR_EXEC_FAIL = 2
 Error during execution.
constant int ERR_TIMEOUT = 3
constant int ERR_RESOLVE_FAIL = 4
 Name resolution failure.

Detailed Description

Diagnostics interface.

Member Function Documentation

◆ listTcpConnections()

int net::Diagnostics::listTcpConnections ( out vector< string >  results)

List the currently active TCP connections.

NO_ERROR if successful
ERR_EXEC_FAIL if an error occured during execution of the socket statistic utility

◆ listTcpUdpListenSockets()

int net::Diagnostics::listTcpUdpListenSockets ( out vector< string >  results)

List TCP/UDP listen (server) sockets.

NO_ERROR if successful
ERR_EXEC_FAIL if an error occured during execution of the socket statistic utility

◆ ping()

int net::Diagnostics::ping ( in string  hostName,
in int  count,
out vector< string >  results 

Ping a network host (send out ICMP echo requests)

hostNamehost that should be pinged
countnumber of echo requests that should be sent (up to 20)
resultsoutput of the ping command
NO_ERROR if ping command was successful
ERR_INVALID_PARAM if any parameters were invalid
ERR_EXEC_FAIL if there was an error during ping execution
ERR_RESOLVE_FAIL if the host name could not be resolved

◆ resolveHostName()

void net::Diagnostics::resolveHostName ( in string  hostName,
out vector< string >  results 

Test whether resolving a host name works and provide diagnostic information.

hostNamehost name to resolve
resultsresult (includes meta data and the actual result or error message)

◆ traceRoute()

int net::Diagnostics::traceRoute ( in string  hostName,
in int  timeout,
in boolean  useIcmp,
out vector< string >  results 

Get the route packet trace to a network host.

hostNamedestination host to track
timeoutTimeout (in seconds) to wait for traceroute results (up to 900)
useIcmpuse ICMP packets instead of UDP packets
resultstrace output
NO_ERROR if traceroute was successful
ERR_INVALID_PARAM if any parameters were invalid
ERR_EXEC_FAIL if there was an error during traceroute execution
ERR_TIMEOUT if traceroute didn't finish before timeout elapsed
ERR_RESOLVE_FAIL if the host name could not be resolved

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