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peripheral::GatewaySensorManager::RemoteDevice Struct Reference

Specification of a remote device that provides access to sensors. More...


Inheritance diagram for peripheral::GatewaySensorManager::RemoteDevice:
peripheral::GatewaySensorManager::RemoteModbusDevice peripheral::GatewaySensorManager::RemoteModbusRTUDevice peripheral::GatewaySensorManager::RemoteModbusTCPDevice

Public Attributes

string deviceId
 remote device id
boolean disabled
 prevents usage of all sensor specifications which reference this device
string name
 human readable remote device name
int timeoutMs
 communication access timeout, 0 = default
int retry
 communication retry count, 0 = default

Detailed Description

Specification of a remote device that provides access to sensors.

It contains all the information required to connect a remote device that provides access to sensors and actuators to be connected to one or more gateway sensors.

Before an instance of Sensor can be created, an instance of RemoteDevice must be present. The Sensor locates the corresponding RemoteDevice using the remote device id deviceId.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: