Legrand / Raritan / Server Technology Xerus™ PDU JSON-RPC API

Lua - A powerful and fast scripting language, simple to learn and use

PLC - Programmable Logic Controller

The LuaPLC feature lets you write small programs and execute them directly on the PDU. Scripts can be deployed using the web GUI, via JSON-RPC or with USB flash drives. They can be started and stopped manually, triggered by event rules or scheduled with timer events.

Lua scripts have full access to the PDU data model as well as a few selected configuration interfaces. Additionally, scripts can use JSON-RPC to control remote PDUs.



  • A firmware with LuaPLC support (3.3.10 and later)
  • The Xerus JSON-RPC SDK

Upload and Run a Lua Script

  1. Download the JSON-RPC SDK and unpack it
  2. Open the device web GUI in a browser, login as administrator
  3. Navigate to Device Settings Lua Scripts, click Create New Script
  4. Click Load Local File and select pdu_info.lua from the folder LuaPLC_Examples/basic in the SDK
  5. Select a name for the script, e.g. pdu_info
  6. Click Create at the bottom of the page
  7. On the script status page, click Start. The Script Output window should now show some information about the PDU.

Writing Your Own Scripts


Lua is a powerful scripting language, easy to learn and simple to use. See the links section below to find about more the language itself.

Example Script

-- load the "Pdu" module
require "Pdu"
-- acquire a proxy object for the pdumodel.Pdu interface
pdu = pdumodel.Pdu:getDefault()
-- print the PDU model name
metadata = pdu:getMetaData()
print("PDU Model Name: " .. metadata.nameplate.model)
-- print the current sensor reading for each inlet
inlets = pdu:getInlets()
for _, inlet in ipairs(inlets) do
label = inlet:getMetaData().label
current_sensor = inlet:getSensors().current
current = current_sensor:getReading().value
print("Inlet " .. label .. " Current Reading: " .. current .. " A")

There are a few details worth mentioning in the script above:

  • Its first step is to load the Pdu module, and all modules it depends on. This module is required to use interfaces from the IDL-defined pdumodel namespace.
  • The next line uses the static method pdumodel.Pdu:getDefault() to acquire a proxy object for the pdumodel.Pdu interface. This proxy object can be used to invoke the methods defined in the Pdu.idl file. It's the starting point for all scripts working with the PDU data model. All other PDU-related objects (inlets, outlets, sensors, etc.) can be acquired from here.
  • Next, the script invokes the getMetaData() method on the Pdu proxy object. Note the : character between object and method name, it's a critical part of the syntax! As defined in IDL, the call returns a pdumodel.Pdu.MetaData structure which includes the model name in the field nameplate.model.
  • In the following line, the script invokes the getInlets() method on the Pdu proxy. The method returns a list of proxy objects for the pdumodel.Inlet interface defined in Inlet.idl. For a typical PDU with a single inlet, the list contains exactly one item.
  • The for loop in the next line iterates over the returned inlet proxies. ipairs is a Lua-builtin function that enumerates the elements in a list. For each iteration, it returns the index and value of the next list element. Since we're only interested in the value (the inlet proxy), we assign the index to a variable called _.
  • For each loop iteration, the variable inlet is updated to contain the next inlet proxy from the list. The loop body calls the methods getMetaData() and getSensors() on this proxy. Again, take note of the : syntax to invoke object methods.
  • Finally, the script selects the current sensor from the returned sensors structure. It contains a proxy for the sensors.NumericSensor interface. The script calls getReading() on that proxy to retrieve the latest sensor reading and prints the result to the script output.

IDL to Lua Mapping

The following table shows how IDL data types are mapped into Lua:

boolean boolean
int number
long number
float number
double number
string string
time number
enumeration number
structure table
vector table
map table
interface table

IDL Files

Each IDL file is mapped to a Lua library that must be loaded with the require statement before use. For instance, to use the Pdu interface defined in the Pdu.idl file, use the statement require "Pdu".

Loading a Lua library automatically loads all directly or indirectly referenced libraries. For instance, requiring the Pdu automatically includes many other modules, like Inlet, Outlet, NumericSensor or PeripheralDeviceManager.


An IDL enumeration value is represented by a number in Lua. Additionally, there are constants for each element of the enumeration defined in IDL. For instance, to set the startupState field in the pdumodel.Pdu.Settings structure can be set to any of the values in the pdumodel.Pdu.StartupState table:

settings = pdu:getSettings()
settings.startupState = pdumodel.Pdu.StartupState.PS_LASTKNOWN

Interface References and Methods

References to IDL interfaces are represented by Lua tables containing the defined methods. To invoke a method, append the method name to the object reference separated by : character. IDL in parameters are mapped to required function arguments in Lua. Methods return a tuple of IDL-defined return value (unless void) and output parameters (if any).

-- one in parameter, one return value
rc = pdu:setSettings(settings)
if rc ~= 0 then
print("setSettings failed, rc = " .. rc)
-- no in parameters, three out parameters
inlet, ocp, poles = outlet:getIOP()

Root Objects

Root objects are the entry points for using the IDL-defined API. They are single instances of IDL interfaces that can be acquired using a static method (getDefault(), getInstance() or new()). References to other interfaces, like inlets, outlets and sensors, can be reached directly or indirectly from one of these root instances.

The following interfaces contain a static getDefault() method to acquire a root instance:

Some root objects require additional parameters and can be created with getInstance():

Lastly, the following objects are part of the system interface and can be created with a call to new() (possibly with additional parameters):

Remote Objects

Remote objects are proxies that communicate with a remote object instance via JSON-RPC. Remote proxies can be created for any supported interface using the static newRemote() method. Expected parameters are a resource ID (URL suffix) and an HTTP agent (an object containing a reference to a remote PDU's JSON-RPC service).

The signature to create a new HTTP agent is: agent.HttpAgent:new(host, user, password [, port [, useTls]]). Required parameters are a host name or IP address, a user name and a password. Optional parameters are a port number and a boolean flag whether to use HTTP or HTTPS.

ha = agent.HttpAgent:new("", "user", "password")
pdu = pdumodel.Pdu:newRemote("/model/pdu/0", ha)
print("Device Name: " .. pdu:getSettings().name)

Accessing Link Units

If the PDU is a cascade primary unit it is possible to communicate with remote object instances on the link units. This is done by using a remote proxy, created with the static newRemote() method as described above. As before, the expected parameters are a resource ID (URL suffix) and an HTTP agent. The HTTP agent for accessing a certain link unit in the cascade is created by calling agent.HttpAgent:getForLinkUnit(linkId).

ha = agent.HttpAgent:getForLinkUnit(2)
pdu = pdumodel.Pdu:newRemote("/model/pdu/0", ha)
print("Device Name: " .. pdu:getSettings().name)

Disconnecting HTTP Agents

HttpAgent uses keep-alive to maintain a built-up connection. While this has performance benefits, it also causes higher memory usage.

If you experience Out of Memory errors, you can try to prevent them by cleaning up unused HTTP connections via the agent.HttpAgent:disconnect() function.

Script Arguments

Lua scripts can have arguments that are specified upon startup. Arguments are key-value pairs that can be accessed through the global table ARGS. Arguments can be specified persistently in the script options or using the "Start Script with Arguments" function. Arguments passed at script start override the default arguments from the script options.

paramOutlet = ARGS["outlet"] -- value for key outlet
paramDelay = ARGS["delay"] -- value for key delay

Exit Handler

If a script implements a global function named ExitHandler(), that function will be executed when the script stops unexpectedly, either because it crashes or is terminated. As a best practice, put this function at the top of the script (right after the require statements) and do not use any global variables within.

require "Pdu"
-- my special exit handler
function ExitHandler()
print("Exiting now")

Delaying Execution

The built-in sleep function can be used to pause the script for a defined time. The argument is specified in seconds, but fractional numbers are supported for sub-second delays.

sleep(2) -- a 2 second pause

Exception Handling

Without precautions, Lua scripts are terminated upon system errors in an IDL model calls (e.g. because using an object reference that doesn't exist). The built-in Lua function pcall(f [, args...]) can be used to execute function f in protected mode. With pcall, the function to be called and its arguments must be specified separately. This includes the reference to the object the method should be invoked on, which must be passed as a first argument. The convenient syntax with : character cannot be used unless the method call is wrapped in an anonymous function:

-- Correct use of pcall(): Pass object reference explicitly
err, msg = pcall(outlet.setSettings, outlet, s)
-- Correct use of pcall(): Wrap method call in anonymous function
err, msg = pcall(function() outlet:setSettings(s) end)
-- The following will NOT work:
err, msg = pcall(outlet:setSettings(s))
-- test if error happens
if err == false then
print("error caught: " .. msg)
print("no error")


There are some Lua script limitations:

  • Number of deployed scripts
  • Script size (per script and total)
  • Memory usage per script
  • Script CPU utilization

The actual limits can be queried using the getEnvironment() method of the luaservice.Manager interface.

Out of Memory

Memory usage per script is limited. A script allocating too much memory will be killed by the system. A message like LuaSvcScript: Out of Memory. Aborting ... is written to the script output.

Deploying and Running Scripts

Scripts can be deployed via the following interfaces:

  • Web GUI
  • USB Flash Drive

Running Scripts from USB Drives

In addition to uploading scripts to the PDU, script files can be executed directly from a USB mass storage device. You need to put the script on a USB drive, along with a control file called (for historical reasons) fwupdate.cfg. The control file needs to supply the administrator credentials and a reference to the script file:


The script will be started as soon as the USB drive is plugged into the PDU. Any output will be stored in a separate log file on the drive. If the script is still running by the time the USB drive is disconnected it will be terminated. You can register an ExitHandler, but its runtime is limited to three seconds before the script forcibly is killed.

Running Scripts from DHCP/TFTP

Running scripts from a TFTP server works similar to the USB drive method. Check the appendix in the PDU User Guide for details about the required configuration of the DHCP and TFTP servers. Runtime for scripts started via this method is limited to 60 seconds. Script output will be written back to the TFTP server, if the server allows it.

Starting Scripts with Event Rules

Lua scripts can be started or stopped as an action in the event rules engine. Use the web GUI (Device Settings > Event Rules) to create a new action. Select Start/Stop Lua Script as action, then select the script you want to control.

Scripts started by an event rule will receive a number of arguments containing information about the matching event rule and the event triggering it. Arguments are stored in the global table ARGS.


Some Lua links: